Grain Free Matcha Granola and Iced Coconut Matchaccinos

Grain Free Matcha Granola and Iced Coconut Matchaccinos

No, that’s not what you might think it is – it’s actually granola (which is addictive as heck). I veeeery nearly called this Munchies Granola and then thought I should maybe not do that. Let’s save the weed puns for the comments sections, yeah? K Cool.

It IS green but that’s due to the heavy-handed sprinkling of matcha powder that I threw into this grain-free granola mix. Having never tasted matcha before I wasn’t sure if I’d like it but given the jazzy colour, I was pumped to try it. I’m already a fan of green tea (especially the genmaicha version with brown rice in it) so of course I fell head over heels for the matcha powder, which is made of very finely ground green tea leaves. It has a slightly grassy/green taste to it (well, yeah) so it pairs so nicely with fresh fruit e.g. it’s a perfect granola add-in.

Being pretty much 95% almonds/pecans/pumpkin seeds, the granola is mega yum all by itself. The matcha adds a kick of flavour so you don’t just have boring granola as per ushe. If you don’t have matcha powder you can leave it out of the granola mixture but I’d advise adding some cinnamon (what else would you expect?) to the mixture.

Grain Free Matcha Granola and Iced Coconut Matchaccinos

Just before shooting the granola I decided that I also wanted to make a drink out of the matcha, but at the time (which was like 3 months ago… :/ ) it was super hot and a warm drink was not what I wanted. Instead I opted for a frappuccino style version of the tea, blended with ice and coconut milk and served with a straw.

Yeah I know the paper straws suck (no pun intended) for actual real life purposes but they’re pretty. Pipe down paper-straw-haters.

Grain Free Matcha Granola and Iced Coconut Matchaccinos


If you don’t have matcha powder you can leave it out of the granola, but replace with 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon (stirred into the mixture).

Grain Free Matcha Granola

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Servings: 0


  • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp matcha powder , (divided)
  • 1/4 cup maple/ agave syrup or honey
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil , , melted (or any neutral vegetable oil, or butter)
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup ground almonds
  • 1 cup almonds , , divided
  • 1/2 cup pecans , , roughly chopped
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds


  • Preheat oven to 130 C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  • In a medium bowl, stir together 1 tbsp of the matcha powder with the maple or agave syrup, coconut oil, salt and vanilla. Finely chop 3/4 cup of the almonds (you can do this with a knife or by pulsing them in a food processor for a few seconds). Then roughly chop the remaining 1/4 cup of almonds. Add the finely + roughly chopped almonds to the bowl along with the ground almonds, pecans and pumpkin seeds. Stir together until you get a kind of sticky dough.
  • Break the dough into lots of small clumps and spread them out over the baking tray. Bake for 15 minutes then remove from the oven and break up into smaller pieces as desired. Place back into the oven for a further 10 minutes. Leave to cool before transferring to an airtight jar. Add the remaining 1 tsp of matcha powder, put the lid on the jar and then shake to distribute the powder over all of the granola.
Tried this recipe?Let me know how it went! Mention @izyhossack or tag #topwithcinnamon!

Iced Coconut Matchaccino

1 tsp matcha powder
1 tbsp boiling water
roughly 1/2 cup ice
1/2 cup coconut milk (or any kind of milk)
1 tsp agave syrup, cane sugar or honey

Whisk the water into the matcha powder and pour into a blender along with the ice, coconut milk and sweetener. Blend until smooth.

215 thoughts on “Grain Free Matcha Granola and Iced Coconut Matchaccinos”

  1. Mmm, positively gorgeous! I actually just made a matcha granola recently, but yours is so so vibrant. Definitely stealing the recipe for that iced coconut matchaccino, too!

  2. this is cementing the fact that i really need to get me some matcha. i’ve been to Japan numerous times, and have a list THINS LONG of things to make…. with this shake shooting straight to the top. coconut AND matcha?? whut.

  3. Matcha is great in coconut sago. It is delightful!
    Simply, you have a talent for making breakfast meals that I would eat all day!

  4. I have been thinking about trying matcha…but have been unsure as to whether or not I will actually like it. I think this post has convinced me though.

  5. i would like snack on this granola and take a sip of this matchaccinos, both look gorgeous.

  6. I’ve been wanting to try matcha powder for so long now! I’d throw it in some oatmeal. Yum!

  7. I would totally love to make an iced “matchaccino”– that sounds refreshing, delish, and like I’m getting a full heap of antioxidants!

  8. Both of these recipes look amazing and I would love the try them out. I love the idea of grain free granola – I’ve never seen that before.

  9. i am not sure what i would make because i’ve never had matcha before! i would love to try this granola!

  10. this looks absolutely delicious! I’ve never tried matcha before but from what ive seen i would love to try it out in a frozen yoghurt

  11. Green color makes it all! Really, drinking a green matchaccino totally cheers up)

    Can i join the giveaway if I am not a GB resident? I really wanna make matchccino!

  12. This is so cute! I normally just use a baking whisk, I know, I know. I seriously just made a matcha smoothie with coconut milk, a slice of frozen nectarine and half a banana this morning! I love the taste and bold flavor of matcha. This granola is genius!

  13. That looks amazing – I usually make my own granola, but tend to stick to one recipe. Looks like it might be time to switch up and try this one!

  14. With matcha.. I would make matcha waffles (nom) and matcha banana ice-cream (double nom).
    Amazing post! I looove granola and this looks A*.

  15. The pictures are so beautiful! Loving the vivid colors of matcha tea, so bright and GREEN! 🙂
    This granola recipe is super healthy and seems quite easy to make, success guaranteed!

    Crossing my finger to win that lovely pack!


  16. There have been some great recipes coming about that include matcha. I have yet to try this stuff, but it sounds so interesting. And this granola looks fantastic!

  17. Hey there! I’d love to win this kit because I never really tried matcha except for the Starbucks stuff /: love your blog btw! 😀

  18. My partner is in love with matcha and he will totally freak out when I make this granola for him 😀

  19. i love using matcha powder… i usually use it in smoothies but i would love to use the powder and make a matcha cheesecake!

  20. INteresting look at this stuff. I got matcha with ground mixed grains that is intended as a breakfast drink. This will definitely gt me thinking about other ways of using it.

  21. I remember trying a green tea and matcha macaron in Paris! Quite untraditional but one of the best I had in my life. I would definitely try the recipe at home and have it with infused fresh mint

  22. Love matcha! I would definitely make this granola, as well as plenty of lattes, breads, and maybe even pastries!

  23. I have been wanting to give matcha a try and this would be a great opportunity to do so.
    Thank you so much for the opportunity.

  24. uuuuuh his looks super yummy! I’ve never tasted matcha before, it’s craaazy difficult to find around here… :/
    btw, is this giveaway international, Izy?

  25. Can I get like, $50 of this Granola?
    Who doesn’t love that funky green leaf…tea?
    My friend Mary might like this…I’ll ask her, ‘Mary, d’you wanna try this granola?’
    OK, and now I’ve read the rest of the comments, and I can see that I’m the only person making weed jokes, so I will stahp.

  26. I love your cute measuring cup and I love the straws (no matter how functional!). Also, your first paragraph made me grin. This looks awesome and in a totally above the influence kind of way 🙂

  27. I feel like I would probably just throw matcha powder into as many things as possible to turn them all green, nevermind the taste 🙂 matcha oatmeal, for sure.

  28. That is so creative to put matcha into granola! I absolutely love matcha lattes, and I have been wanting to try and make them myself!

  29. Love love love that measuring cup! And matcha makes the yummiest cakes if you ever get a chance to make/try one!

  30. I am in love with everything about this post. Your photography, the styling, the earthy vibes (dude), THAT BOWL, granola, matchaccinos (!). Considering the amount of green tea I consume, it’s a bit sad that I’ve never tried matcha, but have always wanted to. You incorporated it so beautifully, and now I’m dying to get my hands on some. Thank you!

  31. I just got back from Japan, so I’d actually be interested in giving a matcha crepe a try. Possibly go a bit overboard and try to do a matcha ice-cream to go with it.

  32. I would so make this granola – looks amazing ( I might try making it for this weekend when I go away!)
    Also, some kind of matcha cookie with white chocolate? OR MATCHA PANCAKES WOW

  33. I’ve actually never tried matcha! 🙂 I think I may have to source some for this recipe…meanwhile, I might as well make the cinnamon version hehe

  34. I have never had matcha – food blogger sin! Well obviously to start off with I would make your granola, because it looks amazing Dude. Then now the weather is on the turn I could try a matcha latte. Then I’m thinking green breakfast oats or maybe in salmon breadcrumb matcha crust – would that work?

  35. Well, obviously Imma make this granola. Hot dang.
    I love matcha more than life itself. I’ve made matcha salt to sprinkle over my food, matcha whoopie pies and dozens upon dozens of matcha smoothies.
    I am currently out of matcha and can’t find any locally (I just moved to Korea), and I would be beside myself with joy to win some!

  36. This looks so delicious 🙂 Matcha powder is awesome in cake; the earthy taste balances out the sweetness a little. It is such a pretty colour, too.

  37. This looks amazing! I’m currently obsessed with matcha, so this would be a perfect way to start off my day.

  38. This looks so delicious, I really want to make this matchaccino and this granola must be perfect with a coconut yogurt!

  39. I do like green tea and I’ve seen a few recipes with matcha now – cupcakes and this granola. I’m a bit of a granola addict so I think this one will find its way into my oven at some point!

  40. 🙂 Your comment on those paper straws made me laugh! I completely agree. For festive purposes, they are perfect, but they are less than ideal for everyday use. But I still love using them too. This granola looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  41. Yummmmm! It’s always been a dream of mine to make matcha macarons but this would be an awesome way to get my matcha confidence up before that adventure!

  42. I would make a raw matcha cheesecake or perhaps some matcha icecream. The sky is the limit!

  43. I think matcha is crying out to be paired with blackberries as a new bed fellow, perhaps they can be joined in holy matrimony via a macaron? Also, matcha salt ON EVERYTHING.

  44. Definitely gonna give the Iced Coconut Matchaccino a try! I made my first Matcha latte with almond milk the other day, and dammmmmn it was good.

  45. Never heard of matcha granola before and it looks/sounds awesome. I’m also a sucker for coconut milk, so def will try that cold drink!

  46. GAH! Ok, let’s first talk about the fact that I have tried, in text form, to use the word “ushe”, and have never been able to think of how to spell it in order for people to understand what the heck you’re trying to say. Us? usu? uzze? Ushe. That’s perfect. I’m stealing it from you and using it always.

    Second, I have that same measuring cup and I adore it! It does make me nervous everytime I use it because it’s so fragile, but I love that it looks like a tiny beaker. I am a scientist by day and baker by night, so my friend bought it for me because she knows I like nerdy things.

    Third, I love green tea. I’ve become a tea snob over the years and have always wanted to try the matcha powder but have never forked over the cash for it. I’d LOVE to have some to play around with! Your recipes are awesome and the photos are unique and colorful.

  47. Yum! I would totally whip up a batch of vegan matcha, banana “nice-cream” with the matcha powder for an added flavoursome health boost!

  48. I love granola (making it, eating it) but I never thought to add matcha to it. I will try this recipe for sure! 🙂

    Beautiful photos, as always!

  49. Yum! I love mixing matcha powder into my smoothies, or even with my oatmeal or chia pudding in the morning. Also am a huge fan of matcha lattes! x

  50. I have a thought which is using matcha power to make a matcha syrup, and pour some of it on top of freshly shaved ice with Dango (Japanese round shaped mochi) and red bean paste, a good scoop of matcha ice cream or sweetened condensed milk to your liking and finally become matcha kakigori, a super refreshing and fancy summer dessert 🙂

  51. I visited my dad in Ohio, and we went to this little French bakery that had matcha flavored macrons. I think I’d like to try to re-create those! Except…maybe I should actually try to make a simple macron first.

  52. Iced coconut macchiato sounds deeelish, but Matcha is fab in macaroons wit dark chocolate filling.. two favourite things!

  53. Both of these look so good! I’m always looking for new granola recipes to try out. This is definitely going on the to make list.

  54. My mom has this really brilliant frosted buttermilk cookie recipe, and this would make the most beaaauuutifully green (and totally healthy, because matcha! so eat all of them, basically) cookie! Maybe with a really light raspberry frosting and some pistachios sprinkled on top? YUM.

  55. I never tried matcha! I’d love to though:) I’d probably make a delicious icing for my zucchini bread:)

  56. Oh my word, Izy, your photos are delightful!!!! I love them 🙂
    I have never actually tried matcha, but heck, I’d be game for trying a matcha latte (they seem to be the “thing” going on right now). Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. ***MATCHA LOVER HERE!!!***

    Hope I win. I use matcha to make cakes, ice cream, noodles, soups, tea mixes, lattes, lemonade, and sandwhiches. I use it for everything! L)

  58. I love matcha and I’m keep trying to get my friends into it too but they’re always scared away by the such highly pigmented colour! I’m going to share this with them and hopefully it will convince them 🙂

  59. How and why it took me so long to find your blog is beyond me but I’m so glad I did. And gurl, so glad you found and love matcha because it is legit good stuff. Your matcha granola is genius and as soon as I’m done moving I’m whipping up a batch. Breakfast with built in caffeine is my jam!! xo

  60. And because I can’t pass up a contest (although, I’m not sure why because I haven’t won something since, oh I don’t know, the lei making contest in second grade), I’m gonna enter and say I’d make your matcha granola, shakeratchas (matcha + milk + simple sugar, shaken in a cocktail shaker and served on the rocks) and matcha mochi!! P.s. Cheers and congrats on the book. Will be ordering shortly–basically as soon as I’m at a legit address again.

  61. I did make matcha grreeeeen whipped cream, with homemade vanilla and light brown turbinado …omgosh , the look on everyones faces who thought it would be minty… served it with …earl grey blueberry cake …what else ??? a few fresh blues on top… didn’t buy much , but am drinking it super fast in my smoothies…tones down the kale…lol

  62. I’d probably try matcha ice cream, as everybody I know that loves matcha is obsessed with it. Haven’t tried matcha yet!

  63. To be honest, I’ve just recently bought a green tea from Pukka, and it consists of matcha as well and it tastes amazing! That weird sweet flavour. I’d love to make matcha icecream oooor matcha cheesecake!

  64. An old roommate of mine once made amazing matcha-red bean cupcakes…I would want to recreate those, they were soooooo good!

  65. Yumm! Matcha Granola? So creative. I love a good Matcha smoothie with frozen watermelon and banana, almond milk, and hemp hearts 🙂

  66. This looks amazing!
    I used to make matcha milkshakes all the time. I should make some again soon!

  67. Oh my gosh, anything and everything! I’ve been dying to try this matcha and this beverage looks like the perfect place to start (but I stumbled across a really mouth-watering ice cream recipe I’ll have to try)

  68. I actually have never tried matcha before, but I am a huge green smoothie enthusiast, so I will definitely want to add some matcha to my smoothies 🙂

  69. I like to experiment so there’s no telling where I would go with this, but I would definitely start out with the granola!

  70. I’ve not yet tried matcha, but have been interested in it for awhile. I’d probably start out using it in smoothies.

  71. Yum! I would love to add some matcha powder to boost up my green smoothies! Can’t find any in the stores around where I live!

  72. Okay so first I would make this bangin’ granola. Then I would drink matcha lattes for every meal. Finally, I would make white chocolate matcha waffles. Because why not.
    PS congrats on your book!

  73. I’m making your matcha granola right now! But I’m trying it in the dehydrator! I’ll let you know how it turns out! The house smells like heaven! Thanks so much for the awesome recipe.


    Mandy Dugas @

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