How to make doughnuts (with video) and Coffee-Biscoff-Bacon Doughnuts

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These yeasted doughnuts use a simple enriched yeast dough which gives them a super fluffy texture. I’ve glazed these with a simple vanilla glaze first. I’ve then spooned on a coffee glaze and topped them with crushed biscoff cookies and fried, crumbled bacon for that salty sweet combo.

YouTube video


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– Lara’s original recipe rests the dough in the fridge for 1-12 hours – I just let it rise on the counter for 1 hour instead. – If you don’t have a doughnut cutter, and you can’t find a 1″ cutter, try using a piping tip, or like me the lid to something like a salt shaker – To tell when the doughnuts have proved enough: gently poke the dough, it should spring back slowly.  


recipe altered minimally from ‘Doughnuts’, by Lara Ferroni
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Course: Bread and Yeast Doughs
Servings: 12 -14 doughnuts


  • 3 tbsp active dried yeast
  • 1 cup milk , warmed to 110 F (43 C)
  • cups bread flour
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter , softened
  • oil for frying


  • Combine 2 tbsp yeast, ¾ cup milk and ½ cup flour in a medium bowl and let rest for 30 minutes in a warm place.
  • In the bowl of a stand mixer, with the paddle attachment fitted, combine the rest of the yeast and milk with the egg yolks, vanilla, salt and sugar. Add in the butter and ½ cup of flour – mix on low until incorporated.
  • Change to the dough hook, then knead in the rest of the flour – ¼ cup at a time. Continue to knead until the dough is smooth and elastic. Transfer to an oiled bowl, cover and rest for 1 hour.
  • Roll the dough out on a floured surface until ½ inch thick. Cut out circles using a 3″ cutter, and then a 1″ cutter (see notes) to make the hole. Transfer the doughnuts (and doughnut holes) to a cookie sheet lined with a floured kitchen towel – spaced at least 1″ apart. Re-roll the scraps and repeat the cutting + transferring.
  • Cover loosely with cling film and rest for 5-20 minutes (see notes).
  • Heat a 2 inch depth of oil to 360 F (180 C) in a deep, heavy bottomed pan. Use a metal spatula to transfer 2 or 3 proved doughnuts to the frying pan. Fry for 3-4 minutes until golden brown, flip and fry for a further 3-4 minutes. Remove from the oil using a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel. Repeat with the remaining doughnuts and doughnut holes. Let cool slightly then glaze.
Tried this recipe?Let me know how it went! Mention @izyhossack or tag #topwithcinnamon!

Vanilla Glaze

recipe altered minimally from ‘Doughnuts’, by Lara Ferroni
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Servings: 0


  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 6 to 8 tbsp milk or water
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract


  • Stir the ingredients together – I prefer using a shallow dish or you can use a smallish bowl.
  • Dunk the doughnut into the glaze, turn to coat (you may find using a spoon will help you completely coat the doughnut with glaze). Remove from the glaze (I use a chopstick to help) to a piece of baking paper and let the glaze set.
Tried this recipe?Let me know how it went! Mention @izyhossack or tag #topwithcinnamon!

For Coffee-Bacon-Biscoff Doughnuts

– coat the doughnuts in the vanilla glaze. Let set. – slightly crush 6 or 7 biscoff cookies (I put them in a plastic bag and gently crushed them with a rolling pin) – fry 5 or 6 rashers of bacon until crispy. Drain on paper towel, then use scissors to cut up into small pieces. Mix in with the crushed biscoff cookies. – then glaze top with coffee glaze (just dissolve the instant coffee in the boiling water, add the milk and sugar):

For the coffee glaze 1 1/2 tsp instant coffee 2 tbsp boiling water 1 to 2 tbsp milk 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

– whilst coffee glaze is still wet, sprinkle on crushed biscoff cookies and bacon.

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140 thoughts on “How to make doughnuts (with video) and Coffee-Biscoff-Bacon Doughnuts”

  1. Hi! I just wanted to say how much I love your blog!
    I just have a few questions for you…
    if you could answer them that would be great:)
    (i’m starting my own blog!!!)

    1. How do you do your gifs.?
    2. How do you do your movie in stop motion?
    3.What edition software do you use to edit your photos/videos?
    and last but not least…
    4. What camera do you use?
    Thanks so much I really appreciate it!

    • thanks Amanda!
      1. Photoshop and lotsa photos
      2. Even more photos
      3. Windows Movie Maker, Lightroom, Photoshop
      4. Canon Rebel T2i w/ 50mm f/1.8 lens

  2. You read my mind! I’ve been thinking about doughnuts all week. A co-worker and I were having a debate about doughnuts: light and airy or cakelike? Anyway, great post!

  3. Izy, these look DELICIOUS! I have been craving simple glazed donuts something fierce for awhile now, and your Instagram shots yesterday only strengthened my desire. But can you believe that the only place in my neighborhood that sells them is Dunkin Donuts? I find that very disappointing. I must make my own. Thanks for the recipe.

    • Thanks so much Linda!! 😀 aww man, yeah London isn’t great for buying fresh doughnuts either 🙁 only can get krispy kreme or supermarket ones around here! Homemade is totally the way to go 😉

  4. I’ve been waiting so (im)patiently for this post ever since you put those photos up on Instagram! I love these so much and I can’t wait to make them myself. Thanks for sweetening up my sunday night! And for providing a pleasant distraction from some nagging schoolwork.

  5. These are AMAZING. Doughnuts, coffee, biscoff AND bacon? My brain exploded a little (in a good way). Hehe and I like your little makeshift cutter for the doughnut holes 🙂

    • YESSS! haha thank you 🙂 I spent about 10 minutes going around the kitchen with a ruler trying to find something that i could use as the 1″ cutter, that lid was the only thing i could find

  6. perfect photographs, and I mean PERFECT! You mad me wanting to shove 18 of those donuts in my mouth STAT. Bravo – you’re such a rising star!

    • ahaha thanks! Okay, I hope you have a lot of room because I have a lot of kitchen equipment that is basically extension of me

  7. I am literally bawling right now because IN Australia we do not have Biscoff. God these are pure fat kid food, but oh so needed. I love your photos, I wonder do you white balance your photos manually from the camera or when editing?

    • Nooooooo im sorryyyy 🙁 That is exactly what they are omg
      I shoot in raw and then correct the white balance in lightroom 🙂 usually i make the lighting a LOT colder than what my camera records it as

  8. My God! What have you done?! They look incredible and the photos are just stunning. I love doughnuts. I love what you’ve created. Well done 🙂

  9. I don’t know, if I said it before, but I’m totally in love with your blog. With the recipes, the photos, the texts. Only problem: I always feel soooo old, when I realize you’re just seventeen :)! I mean I’m nearly twice as old. Buh….

    • yay yes indeedy I have!! 😀 thank you!
      hahaha, people always say that to me :/ I bet you’re twice more awesome than me 😉

  10. WOW am so totally in love with this post. That video is lush, totally gif style 🙂
    Please never stop!
    x x

  11. My eyes literally widened when I saw that crackly crust on the doughnuts 😛 I love your video & pictures, as always!

  12. Izy I absolutely love your blog and you are a huge inspiration (you’re on the top of my ‘blogs i love’ list)
    if you have the chance, and want a quick break from exam revision, please give my blog a look. it would make me so happy xx

  13. This is so, so beautiful and absolutely perfect!
    Can’t wait to try this, that crust is just amazing. xxxx

    gemma @

  14. You never cease to amaze me with the deliciousness that comes out of your kitchen! These look fab and I love your video!

  15. My gosh. I’ve been craving this since you posted a picture on instagram. You’re not helping me and my husband keep our newlywed weight off… but I think our souls need this more than our waistlines don’t.

  16. O.M.G. How did you manage to make the most delicious looking doughnuts on the internet? Very, very impressed..

  17. Hey there!

    Your posts always make me smile!
    Good luck with your exams 🙂

    Love and doughnuts,

  18. Holy Moses!!!!! These look amazing!!!!! I’m actually going to share with my 11th graders your comparison of your brain to an overloaded computer. It is perfect!!!!

  19. Izy, GET OUT OF HERE. Your doughnuts look so freaking.amazing–like professional status. Do you ever come over to the States? You should definitely visit Gourdough’s in Austin if you do. Well, scratch that. If you’re making doughnuts like this at home, Gourdough’s might be totally unnecessary!


    • hehehe thanks Erika! Yahgen I do, coming over in October to see the fam in Boston and then going to NY for a few days too (AHHHHHHH). I think I need to try some bakery doughnuts when I’m there, you can’t really get artisanal doughnuts here :'(

  20. Holy Doughnut Iz-Man…these are totes insane! Coffee, bacon, doughnut…truly you’d only find that combination in a far off galaxy run by little coffee men who ride magic carpets made of bacon? But no, it’s here on planet Earth. Tell you what…I’m excited. I have guests coming for brunch on Saturday…guess what food I’ll be serving them? Awesome combo chicky, and the vimeo clip…bloody brillioant

  21. izzy, this is amazing as usual! love your little videos and your retro vintage mixer <3 i tell you, if you put that doughnut on someone's finger he or she will DEFINITELY marry you!

    • hehe, I had to try a *few* to check that they were perfect 😉 thanks so much Sarah!! 🙂 x

  22. What an awesome video!! I can’t even imagine how many pictures and how much work it must take to put that all together! Swooning over the Pyrex too, especially that first bowl. (Which your fingernails totally match!) I adore those Cinderella bowls. I have a green nesting set, but I’ve always wanted to collect them in random patterns too. Unfortunately, I think I might need to rent a storage unit if I want to buy any more kitchen stuff. (I already starting storing things at Johnny’s apartment!)

    OK, how have I not even talked about the doughnuts yet??! I’m so glad you fried them instead of baking them. I mean, if you’re going to cover a doughnut in sugar and cookie bits and bacon, you might as well go for broke and make them as 100% delicious as possible. (= There’s this vendor called Dinky Donuts at our summer market sometimes, and they will occasionally have doughnut that covered in peanut butter glaze, liberally drizzled in another chocolate glaze, then topped with big bits of bacon. OMG. Also, I think crumbling up cookie bits for doughnut (or anything) toppings is something that isn’t done nearly enough!!

    • Yay thanks Carey! haha yep, like 1000 photos literally, it takes about 4 hours to shoot and then another 4 of editing :/ The thing which takes me forever to do is choose the freakin music to go with it too!! AHH I love them, got loads at car boot sales 🙂 hahaha, tell me about it, I’ve taken over about 4 cupboards for props so far…

      That is exactly what I was thinking, might as well fry em, they’re supposed to be super indulgent so i just went for it! AHHH omg I wish I could get fresh doughnuts with awesome flavours here, but alas im stuck with krispy kreme. that’s it 🙁 I KNOWWW, just imagine oreos on them 😐

  23. YOU ARE INCREDIBLY AMAZING. Holy crap woman!!!!!!!!!!!! These photos. That video. I can’t wrap my head around it all. I’m pretty sure you will one day be famous. I am simply BLOWN away by you. The end.

    • WELL THE SAME GOES FOR YOU LADY! thanks so much Ashley 🙂 haha maybe one day, probably famous for making the most ridiculous doughnuts in the world 😉 x

  24. These doughnuts are like a dream come true! Biscoff and bacon make everything better, right? And my brain totally needs more RAM too! Then again, whose doesn’t?

  25. These look jaw-droppingly amazing! Up until now I’ve always baked my yeasted donuts because frying seemed like such a pain, but your video makes it look easy. Maybe this weekend…

    • I’d never fried dough before either! This was my first time, I was surprised at how easy it was! 🙂 Thank you!!

  26. I have to say, my AS Levels (which I think is what you’re doing, right?) were the absolute worst. I’ve never felt so stressed as I did during them even when I was doing finals etc. Doughnuts = total essential.

    • ugh yes, I’m doing my AS levels. First exam on the 13th and they don’t stop until the 4th of June :'( Although I’ve got waaaaay less exams this year than I did for GCSEs. So glad we get to drop down to 4 subjects for A levels! Im totally power eating through the revision

  27. my mouth is seriously watering. i am such a doughnut fan and these gorgeous pictures have me going into all sorts of crazy cravings!! i’ve been wanting to master the homemade doughnut for quite some time – so, thanks for the extra kick in the pants to get me in the kitchen and get-to-a-doughnut-makin’. gorgeous blog. gorgeous food! holy yum.

  28. My mind is blown.
    Every single post you do is packed with awesome genius. I will make a bajillion of these babies.
    Keep rockin ooonnn!!! 😀

  29. These look fantastic! They’re on my “to make this weekend” list for sure. Do you mean your brain needs more REM sleep?

    • woohoo! hahah probably needs more REM sleep too, but I mean that if I was a computer I’d like to have more storage basically! sorry, I’m a total computer nerd 😉

  30. Wowsers! These doughnuts look ridiculously good, and the video is awesome. I’ve always been scared of trying to make traditional homemade doughnuts before, but you’ve definitely broken it down and made it look approachable. One question, what do you do with your leftover oil? I haven’t found a really good disposal method yet and it makes me less inclined to fry things.

    btw your blog is a true gem. Been following for the last couple months and always look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

    • Thanks so much Kelly!
      I use my parent’s method: pour the oil into an old jam jar, screw on the lid. Chuck it into the bin. Done! 🙂

  31. This post is a mahsterpiece (as always) next time I see you you have to teach me how to make videos like that. Also I’m loving the Amy Winehouse 🙂

    • Thanks Erica!!!! haha yes you can come over and help me make one 😉 I thought it would be a good time to bring out a classic 🙂

  32. I would love to see what a deep-fryer gif would look like…except jayKAY since somebody would probably lose a hand or something. I *love* the idea of coffee biscoff doughnuts–why are these not sitting on my kitchen counter right now?!

    • AHAHAHA that would be pretty freking awesome, like if it had glass edges so you could see all the way through it :O You’d better get mixing then! 😉

  33. What is that LARGE donut-shaped object that looks heavily covered in glaze?? That looks AMAZING!

  34. Wow! These look heavenly. You are so talented–love the video 🙂

  35. Hi Izy!
    I just want to say how much I love reading your blog.
    I just have one question…
    What kind of video camera do you use to take all of
    your videos?

    Thank you so much!

    • Thanks Lauren!!
      The videos are all made up of individual photos – I use my DSLR to take them then put them together to make a hug .gif style video.
      My camera is a Canon Rebel T2i, which can film, but I don’t use the video setting for the videos I make

  36. Hi! I just wanted to say all your photos are absolutely gorgeous. your gif’s are beautiful and I can’t believe all of these are original! I love it! Where do you get your inspiration for all of this? It’s lovely.
    Keep doing what you do!

    • thank you!! I love food: I love eating it, photographing it, making it and looking at it; that’s my inspiration 😉

  37. Stunning photographs, totally had me licking my lips in anticipation! I’ve always been put off making donuts, the whole deepfry thing, crazy really as I deep{ish} fry indian foody things and tofu all the time! You’ve inspired me! Muchas gracias xx

    • thanks so much Rachel! That was the same reason I’d put off doing it too, but it’s so worth it!

  38. Loooved the video and music choice, and your pics are gorgeous as usual. I’m in such a doughnut-making mood now. Stopping by your blog during a study break always cheers me up 🙂

  39. I’m going to try to make these at the bakery at tomorrow! I love all of your photos and the video is so beautiful//helpful! It’s amazing that you’re going to school and maintaining such a beautiful site.

  40. Izy, you are officially the coolest person I know/have heard of. When I was 17, I think I was walking around the house eating sesame chicken from a Chinese container and wishing I was 18. I love what you’re doing here! And that is an intense mixer. It looks like a sewing machine!

  41. That’s it! I was wondering what was happening to me. Now I know! My brain needs more RAM like yours 🙂 Such gorgeous doughnuts!

  42. These doughnuts are magazine-worthy. Also love your subtle use of props – so tastefully done. Keep up the great work!

  43. hi im a tween baker and i love all these recipes they look amazing and i bet they taste nice to but can i convert them all into gluten free or do i need to find a different recipe for some?
    if you could reply back that would be great!
    thank you

    • I think if you want to make gluten free doughnuts you’d have to find a different recipe. The dough for the doughnuts relies on the gluten found in wheat flour for strength and so it holds its shape, then the dough can rise and stay together. If you have a doughnut pan to make baked cake-style doughnuts, then I can point you to where you’ll find some gluten free baked doughnut recipes.

  44. hiya! love these donuts and want to try them, just one question can i use instant active yeast instead? and how much do you think I should reduce the yeats quantity if yes?

  45. OMG
    I actually think I might be in love with you/ this website!!!
    I must say that you’re 1” cutter (salt shaker top) is ingenious and extremely adorable
    I recently discovered that I have a milk intolerance and all the good icings use cream cheese or butter.
    Love you lots
    P.S. You’re super talented.

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