Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets

Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets

Seems like I have a *thing* for rhubarb pastries. These are slightly different from the last time I shared a rhubarb galette thing: they’re tartlets (mini and cute!) and have a half-rye-flour crust. I also used a different technique for making the pastry called ‘fraisage’ so it’s extra flaky (don’t worry I’ve got step-by-step pics in the recipe so it shouldn’t be too daunting).

Oh and they’re funky and triangular. So cool right?

I feel like the shape affects I flavour somehow, I dunno man. But regardless of the shape, it’s definitely a good shout to make these tartlets now now now.

Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets

Rhubarb and Rye Tartlets

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Servings: 0


For the pastry:

  • 1/2 cup (65 g) rye flour
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp , (75 g) all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp cane sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 5 tbsp (65 g) cold butter, cubed
  • 1 tbsp vodka
  • ~4 to 6 tbsp ice-cold water

For the Filling:

  • 1 1/2 cups chopped rhubarb stalks
  • 2 tbsp orange or apple juice
  • 1/4 cup (50 g) cane sugar
  • 2 tbsp all purpose flour

For assembly:

  • ~6 tsp apricot jam
  • 1 egg , , beaten
  • cane sugar , , for sprinkling
  • ~1 tbsp butter , , for dotting
Tried this recipe?Let me know how it went! Mention @izyhossack or tag #topwithcinnamon!

In a large bowl stir together the flours, cinnamon, sugar and salt. Add the cubed butter and rub into the dry ingredients using your finger tips or a pastry blender.

Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets

Stop when about half the butter has been rubbed in the rest of the butter is in pea-sized lumps. Drizzle in the tablespoon of vodka. Drizzle in the ice water, 1 tbsp at a time whilst gently tossing the mixture. Stop adding water when the mixture holds together when squeezed (you might not use all of the water). Bring it all together into a ball and chill for 15 minutes in the freezer.
Now you’re going to use a technique known as fraisage to create flaky layers!
Take chunks of pastry and smear them using the heel of your hand onto a work surface. Use a bench scraper, palette knife or butter knife to scrape up the pastry (keeping it as flat as possible) and layer the smeared sheets on top of each other to create one pile of layers of pastry. Repeat this with all of the pastry.
Form into a circle. Flatten slightly with you hands and wrap the pastry up in plastic wrap. Chill for 30 minutes.

Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb, Rye, Cinnamon Free-Form Tartlets 056
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets
Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets

Meanwhile make the rhubarb filling:
Place the chopped rhubarb in a large bowl with the sugar, orange juice, flour and salt. Set aside.
To assemble:
Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). Unwrap the disk of pastry and cut into 6 wedges using a bench scraper or sharp knife.

Roll one wedge of dough out on a lightly floured surface until it’s about 1/8-inch thick, trim the edges so you have a triangle of dough. Spread a little bit of apricot jam into the center of the triangle of dough and spoon on a couple of tablespoons of rhubarb filling.
Gather the edges of the pastry up towards the filling, folding and pressing the pastry so that it pleats. Transfer with a bench scraper to a lined baking tray. Repeat with the rest of the pastry wedges.
Brush the pastry with beaten egg and sprinkle with cane sugar. Dot each tartlet with a little bit of butter.
Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden and bubbling.

Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets

(this post was created in collaboration with West Elm and their blog Front + Main where you can find links to the props used here)

71 thoughts on “Rhubarb and Rye-Cinnamon Tartlets”

  1. Congratulations on the nomination, that’s such a huge honor, and you totally deserve it! We’re on the same rhubarb page today, I’m obsessed with it right now, and your rye crust sounds so unusual.

  2. High fives and confetti emojis and congrats on the nomination, girlfren!

    Now please mail me eleventy billion of these tartlet beauties.

  3. Saw this recipe. Love rhubarb. Hit the market. Bought the rhubarb. Bought the rye flour (I was out). Made these up just now. Neighbors smelled them. Came over from across the street. These tartlets, Sambuca, sunshine (rare) and neighborliness. Great, great afternoon. We are in your debt here on Whidbey Island.

  4. Congrats on the nomination Izy! You totally deserve it! And I’m so excited to see a rhubarb recipe because that means that it’s finally spring (even if the weather here North Carolina doesn’t seem to know that yet)

  5. Congrats on the nomination! You totally deserve it!! I can’t wait to try this rhubarb recipe. I tried your single serving pretzel the other day and it was AWESOME hehe.

  6. Triangle tarts! I dig this, because I want my pastry to be edgy and cool. Also, I hope you win. LUV YA WORK!

  7. Congrats!! So exited for you and you totally deserve it!!
    These gorgeous!! Just made two new rhubard things and I am in love!

    • Yay! Thanks so much Tieghan 🙂
      Ahh I can’t wait to see them, I’m always looking for more rhubarby recipes

  8. Congrats on the nomination, I really hope you win:) I love rhubarb, and the rye pastry sounds interesting, I might try!

  9. YES to rhubarb. Brings me right back to my childhood when we picked wild rhubarb and dipped it in sugar. Love what you’ve done with it here.

  10. these sound suuuuperb! 🙂
    i love the jammy goodness on the inside plus this awesome sounding pastry
    and a BIG BIG congrats for Saveur! woooooo
    keep up the fab work gurlll 🙂

  11. How interesting to make the crust with half-rye flour! Love that idea. I bet it really stands up to the rhubarb. Such cute pieces, too!

  12. Love these tartlets.. really feelin that rye crust.
    and Congrats gurlfriend..you totes deserve it.. hugs and kissy-face emojis to you..

  13. i have never worked with rhubarb before but this year, i will be making good use..congrats on the nomination 🙂

  14. Izy, you are just a gorgeous human being who makes gorgeous pastry. Yay on the nomination! You deserve it!!!

    • Aww same to you Erika! (those mini cakes you just made are the cutest things ever) . Thanks so much 🙂

  15. Congrats on your nomination, Izy! I’m off to vote for you, toute suite!
    And these tartlets are gorgeous!

  16. Lovely dessert! This kind of tartlets are the ones that make you feel like home and scream ‘homemade cuteness’. Hehe. They look so good!
    …and congratulations for the nomination! It doesn’t surprise me, though. Because your blog is outstanding. Honestly, I hope you win. 😉

  17. WOW – that nomination is so well deserved! Congratulations and the best of luck to you! The photography in this post is stunning and I can’t wait for my rhubarb to grow faster so I can try it soon! //Sonja

  18. ahhhh Izzy you made my day! I seriously just yesterday thought about what to do with all that rhubarb in my freezer 😀 this is on the spot what I needed! wishing you luck on the blog awards…..

  19. Congratulations!! Your totally deserve it – your blog is AMAZEBALLS!

    Ps. The tartlets looks scrumpcious!

  20. Congratulations, that is awesome! Of course I will vote for you!!!

    Why do you put the apricot jam on? Is it so that the crust should not get soggy?

    • Thanks so much Malin!!

      I put it on for a bit of extra flavour, sweetness and also yes, to kind of make a barrier between the rhubarb and the crust so it doesn’t get soggy 🙂

  21. I got fed up with waiting for rhubarb to get here, so I took out the rhubarb that I froze last spring and it is currently in a pie in the oven with some blueberries that I also froze last summer. If spring won’t come to me, I’m coming to spring.

    • I LOVE the combo of rhubarb and blueberries. It is so good 🙂
      I always stash rhubarb in the freezer too haha

  22. I absolutely LOVE your blog!!! So naturally, I would vote for you!
    I have never used rhubarb. I didn’t even know it existed. I can’t wait to try this out though. It looks delicious!

    • Aw thanks so much Anne! 🙂
      Rhubarb is a kind of weird thing, not really a fruit but it’s treated like one…still delicious though

  23. Huge congrats on the Saveur nomination!!!!! You deserve it. Your photos and recipes are so inspiring.

    Rhubarb is my jam, btw.

  24. My husband would marry me all over again if I made him this! He loves all things rhubarb! And a tart? Forget about it! Marry.me.again!
    This is a beautiful thing!
    Cookin’ Cowgirl

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